The Children of Maesybidia

Margaret 1816 to 1856

                                                                             Margaret    - married -  John J. Evans of Llanybydder

                                                                             born 1816                           born 1816 

                                                                             died  31.12.1856                 died  1866

                                                                                   Both buried Newton, Iowa, USA

                                                                                 The family left Wales for America April 1856


Hetty Born Nov 1843 Brechfa

Arnott, Abraham and Hettie Adamson

Hetty Born Nov 1843 Brechfa Died 1932 Iowa 

Married Abraham Adamson

l                         l               l 

John                Everett        Arnott

1869-1869           1871-1887   07.01.1874

died in infancy                        married 29.11.1900                           Lizzie A. Burnside


John Born 1844 Brechfa Died 1933 Lincoln, Nebraska

                                 Married Clara Belle Newton   


              Clara Bell plus five others - Clara Bell married Roy A Lamson


              l                                                          l

       Wesley Lee 1934                                William Le Roy 15.04.1953

      married 24.12.1954                                                                                  Darlene Graham                                                                          ........................L........................................................................        

      Dale Eugene     Dean Robert        Linda Carole      Dennis Michael

      31.12.1957     30.04.1959         15.12.1962        09.07.1965

      Los Angeles     Los Angeles                                 Los Angeles


  Last known address for Wesley Lee Lamson, 1816 Pullman Lane, 

Redoudo Beach, California, US

To view more detailed tree please click here


Margaret Born 1816 was the eldest Child of John and Esther Jones, Margaret died Died 1856 in Newton, Iowa, USA married to John J Evans from Llanybyther they emigrated to USA in the early years of their marriage with their two children Hetty and John.

They farmed near her parents – at Hafodnoethne ? Farm, Brechfa, the farm house nestles below the road on the descent into Brechfa it as a commanding and magnificent view of the valley. On the 1851 census record they are shown living there together with their children Hetty born 1844 and John 1850 and their servant Elizabeth Thomas. They also had a child that died in infancy.

1851 Census John & Margaret Evans

John Evans Head Married Male 35 1816 Farmer 28 Acres Carmarthen Llanybyther
Margaret Evans Wife Married Female 35 1816 Farmers Wife Carmarthen Llanfihangle-rhos-y-corn
Hetty Evans Daughter   Female   7 1844 Farmers Daughter Carmarthen Brechfa
John Evans Son   Male   1 1850 Farmers Servant Carmarthen Brechfa
Eiza Thomas Servant Unmarried Female 20 1831 House Servant Carmarthen Llanfihangle-rhos-y-corn

I have tried to find the Farm Hafodnoethne but failed, looking at the properties around the Farm on the Census record would locate it close to Brechfa Village possibly out in the direction of Llanllwni

Margaret & John were to follow in the footsteps of her brother Ricy and Uncles on both her Mother & Fathers side and set sail for America with the Saints (Church of Latter Day Saints - Mormons), all had not be told to them about their new faith and they were to find things they did not like and after their arrival in America and decided to leave the faith at Newton, Iowa.

They sailed from Swansea to Liverpool and the onward journey to America was made on the Sam Curling a cotton ship which carried cotton to Europe and returned with passengers. Departing Liverpool on the 19th April, 1856 and arriving in Boston 23rd May, 1856, the ships log records - John Evans Age 42, John Evans Age 41, Esther Age 13 and John Age 7 (to view voyage information please click here) They were five weeks on the way and two passengers died on the crossing. Landing in Boston Harbour, the family started for Utah by rail to Newton, Iowa to join the Mormons, they having accepted the faith in Wales, where it was extensively preached, but upon arriving in Newton, Jasper County, Iowa they learned of the practice of polygamy and some other things which had not been mentioned in Wales by the Mormon teachers so the new religion was discarded and the family settled in Jasper County, Iowa.

Hettie (Esther) being at the time thirteen years of age, having been born November 26, 1843.  The first year after landing America, her mother died in Iowa, January, 20, 1857, at the age of forty-two, after which she kept house for her father until his death, which occurred August 31, 1866, at the age of fifty-two.  After the death of her father and mother, Hettie made her home with John and Mary Davis until her marriage they having no children.  Hettie was one of three children born to John and Margaret, the eldest of whom died in infancy; Hettie's brother John Evans moved in adult hood Fairmont, Nebraska, becoming a successful farmer with seven children.  He was born August 27, 1849, and was married in 1888 to Clara B. Newton.

In a letter written by John Jnr. to his Uncle Ricy he states that his Mother died the last day of the year 1856 different to the date by a few weeks recorded by his sister Hettie.

Shipping Log

                                    1870 US Census, Hettie married living with her husband Abraham and her brother John Evans

                                     in rhe Township of Buena Vista, Iowa, USA

Abraham Adamson Age 24 Farmer Iowa
Hettie Adamson Age 26 Keeping House Wales
John Evans Age 20 Farm Labourer Wales

The 1900 Census records Hettie living Newton, Jasper County, Iowa with her husband Abraham and son Arnott born 1874, what is interesting is the next entry recording Lizzie Burnside born 1884 who Arnott would marry.  Abraham who is recorded as being born in Iowa records his parents as being born in South Carolina

Margaret & John Evans son John was born on the 27th August, 1844 and died 29th January, 1933 he was buried on the 31st January, 1933 at Wyvka Cemetry, Lincoln, Nebraska he married on the 4th September, 188 at Herdon, Rawlins, Kansas Clara Belle Newton, born 31st January 1860 died 8th December, 1937 buried 11th December 1937 she was born Pittsbuurg, Pennsylvania the daughter of Thomas Peck of Newton, Ohio and Henrietta Jane nee Joyce.   John Evans Jnr. Wrote to his Uncle Ricy in 1879 :

They had six children,

Stella born 13th June, 1889 – spinster.

Chauncey born 15th February, 1891 married 1844 to Frances Axtel they had a daughter Joyce born 6th January 1946 and died 1 week later.

Hetty born 3rd January, 1893 – spinster.

Mounty Lee born 8th March, 1895 married Ioa Inez Mead and adopted a daughter.

Locky May born 8th August, 1898 married Ray Donald Softley and adopted a daughter and Clara Belle born 7th September, 1903. Clara Belle married on the 10th June, 1932 Roy A Lamson they had two sons Wesley Lee born 4th October, 1934 married to Darlene Graham and William Le Roy born 5th April, 1953.  Wesley Lee currently lives (2006) in California.


To tell the story of the early days of Margaret & John Evans I think is best told by their daughter Hetty who on the July 5th 1868 married Abraham Adamson, in a letter written in January 1882 from Hetty's Uncle Ricy (her Mothers brother) to my Great-Great Grandmother Ann Thomas (Ricy & Margaret's sister) Ricy tells Anne that Hetty has married a very rich man worth some six thousand dollars : to be worth six thousand dollars in 1882 Google tells me in 2021 is worth 172,471.80 dollars

Hetty corresponded with her cousin Hetty Richards nee Thomas who was her first cousin, the daughter of her Mother's Margaret sister Ann (my Great Great Grandmother), Hetty lived in the mining village of Pontycymmer in the Garw Valley, Near Bridgend, Glamorganshire, South Wales were her Mother owned a shop in High Street. I have but one letter that Hetty Richards wrote from Pontycymmer to her cousin Hetty Adamson in America in December, 1917 if it was not for these wonderful letters from Hetty Admson to her cousin Hetty Richards and the safe keeping of them by Hetty Richards daughter Elizabeth-Mary (Richards) Thomas so much of their lives would have been missed.   To view the letters please click here


Christmas Card from Hetty Adamason to Hetty Richards

Hetty Adamson Church she attended included with the Christmas Card


                   This adventurous family of mine seem to have given to America each generation we have recorded.

I find it difficult to understand other than for adventure why Ricy and later Margaret on then John went to America, they suffered much, leaving behind them comfortable and privileged lives. The working class of the Industrial Valleys & Towns of South Wales who left had only hope and little could be worse than the appalling living and working conditions that they and their families were enduring at that time, but that was not so for the Jones’s their family was prosperous land owners and their living standard good.

Hetty married Abraham Adamson and although she had three children her first dieing as a baby and the second age 16 and although the third son married sadly I believe her line to have died out - to read Abraham Adamson Biography please click here

To Mr. & Mrs. Adamson have been born three children, all boys, of whom but one is living: John born October 27, 1869 died November 22, 1869; Everett, born December 12, 1870, died May 29, 1887; Arnott Abraham, born January 7, 1874, is a prominent veterinary surgeon of Newton, being a graduate of McKillip College of Veterinary Surgery of Chicago, of which institution he is an honorary member of the faculty.  He married Elizabeth A. Burnside, a native of Iowa November 28, 1900.

Mr. Adamson the subject of this sketch s a Mason, being member of Lodge No. 59, Gebel Chapter No.12 and Commandery No.22 of Newton.  Mrs. Adamson is a member of the Woman’s Relief Corps No.3, Auxiliary of Garrett Post and also Newton Chapter No.100, Order of the Eastern Star.  She is also a member of the Christian Church of Newton but was christened in the Episcopal Church of Wales.  She is a most charming and interesting woman.