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American Letters


John Evans

Son of

Margaret and John Evans

Brother of Hetty (Evans) Adamson


Born 1844 Brechfa, Carmarthenshire, Wales

Died 1933 Lincoln, Nebraska, USA


John Evans was just 12 years of age when his parents took him and his sister Hetty from Wales to America joining the Mormon faith and the great trek to Utah.  They sailed from Liverpool on the 19th April, 1856 and by the end of 1856 his Mother Margaret was dead.  Margaret died in Iowa and the family travelled no further and settled there.


Letter from John Evans to Uncle Ricy - Ricy Davis Jones


                                                                                                             March, 1879 and the 14th Day


                                                                                                                       Newton, Iowa,


Dear Sir,

I received your kind letter and was glad to hear from you and if I new that you was my Uncle I would be gladder I am in hope these few lines will find you well as it leaves me now my Mother was name Margaret Jones and how many sisters have you and how many Brothers and what is their names and what was your Mothers name before she was married and tell me when you came out here and who came with you and give me your sister address in full, my Father is dead about 15 years ago My Mother died in the year of 1856 and on the last day in the year and left 2 children my sister and I, Hetty and John.  Hetty was married 10 years ago and she has 2 boys, well now Jones don’t know anything about the money or the deaths for I was small but I will ask Hetty about them when I go down this is all I can think of now so I will bring my letter to a close for this time, please write soon.


     Yours truly Ricy D Jones

from John Evans,

Newton, Jasper Co. Iowa