The Children of Maesybidia


   John 1821 - 1906

        John born 3rd April, 1821, Maesybidiau

          third child second son of John and Esther

          Died 24th March, 1906 Stockton,

        San Joaquin, California, USA

             John Davis Jones born 3rd April, 1821 – Maesybidiau

                     Died . 24th March, 1906  buried Stockton, San Joaquin, California


Letters from John to Brother Ricy Davis Jones

To view replies from Ricy please click here

                       Stockton, California

                                                                                         February 18, 1879



Dear Brother

I received your letter yesterday and was glad to hear from you, I got a letter from John T Reilly dated the 14th December and I wrote right back to him but have go no answer till I got your letter.  I can say to you that I am well and am living here in Stockton and have been for several years. 

I want you to write to me as soon as you get his letter and direct it to Stockton City California so nothing more at but still remain,



                   Your affection Brother until Death,  John D. Jones



Stockton, California

                                                                      March 2nd. 1879


Dear Brother

I received your letter yesterday and was glad to hear from you, you wrote in your letter that you would like know how I am getting along and how many children I have, I have four girls and one boy, two of the girls is married you wanted to now what I am doing I am living here in Stockton and work out by the day I have a great deal of trouble in the last two or three years my Wife and I don’t live together now she left me for some cause I don’t know for what reason I think it was on account of my son-in-law he got down on me because I was not willing for him to have my daughter he is but very bitter on account my wife has applied for a divorce she has about broken me up of everything I had I can tell you brother I have a great deal of trouble in the last two years or so it as been hard for me to endure it I can tell you – but I am getting over it a little now – you wrote that there was sum money coming to me from the old country I would like to know how much is coming to my part I think if I can get my part I will go back to the old country again as I have got nothing to keep me here I want you to send me sisters Ann letters as I would like to see it so I want you to write to me as soon as you get this letter and let me know how you are and getting along and will so when you think can get my part of the I have not heard from the old country for about six years ago and the I did not hear anything from our people – so nothing more


but still remain your Brother until Death  John Jones




                                    April 30th 1879

                                                                                                                                             Stockton City, California 


Dear Brother Ricy D Jones 


I am trying writing to you on my all hand this time, I am well, hope this will find you the same.  I had two letters from you one from Mr. Reilly, Mr. Reilly had been written  Dec 5th 1878 one from you written Sept 29 1878 one written February 22nd 1879 and this all I received, please register your letters to me and that is the safe way they reach me all I had last for a year.

I had a nice place here I offered  1000 hundred dollars for it I have not lived with my family since 3 years, they living now on the old place paying an interest on few hundred dollars.  My son John now here is going to open a barber shop this week and it is 3 blocks from the old residence and I have trouble though son-in-law hiring men his Father good  of property and money and that soft on brain of the woman to the time has vary dill to many China men and others I been here in Stockton about 6 years to long. 

Our Father and Mother they have died and 4 sisters we all must stick in regard to the money you speak to me where are they now are they with Brother Evan or in the bank on the farm now did Mother make her will who have the control of it how many shares to divide I though to make money this spring to come and see you there but I fail nothing to do I like to have some money and then I can come to see you then I know what to do I have not received Ann’s letter as yet I want you promise me please write soon to me keep me posted. I want to hear from your family, Brother do not forget me,     


this from you Brother J.D. Jones




                                                                                                                                                 February 10,1880


                                                                                                                                         Stockton City, California

Dear Brother Ricy D Jones 

I received your letter and Brother Evan on the 28 of January and I was very sick at the time with heavy cold now I am most well thank God for his mercies.  I am very sorry for your health is not so good now Brother I wish you and your Wife and your children all well a happy time.  Brother Ricy I am glad all ……… I am 59 on the 3 day if April, 1880 I have not worked much for 4 years only shearing sheep Spring and Faull and it is very hard times now to get much of that work or many other work for money from people in the country I am out of luck now for 5 in 6 years, my Brother least paid, to …… us catch e by my …… and thank heavenly to first day I remember the year 1876 27 day of April to the 15 day of June this days break my constitution I am not capable to recover no more, I am poor in wealth time in for I been …… to much I been making my home with a Doctor and I learn how to make or make to …….. most ………………. If only have money to start making my Madison I think I could make my home yet somewhere in my old days but I am now living in old house about a year and together man back the best, as we now how in the seen all dewilinful .  Brother Ricy I hardly know what to say about Brother Evan his letter ……. To me ……. ……. Way he tries to ………… us buy his on letter we had brother Evan says this I know they been to years or now before they found Tomas Jones our Uncle son, Jones …… ….. of selling the farms because our Father died and could not find Thomas Jones, Evan ask long since our Father his said is the money in the Bank and he say he could no find the ……. And this was about 5 or 7 years this a nonsense he wrong but I don’t know what he meant the Farms is not down all over another bag of gold I have see many times when I was home and she had money out to keep I know what become of that money her say that will of our Mother was she give all she had to him.  Brother Ricy let us try to find out all about particulars because I made son I been to day look to a Lawyer about the mater and he willing to assist us Brother wite to Ann again Thomas Llany……….. and together give my best respect to you all Brother John D Jones  This is now to all …….. to ….. the money

Write back soon as you can give us The address of brother Evan and sister Ann if you please god bless us all


This letter is proved very difficult to transcribe, John must have been very low, the handwriting is awful, it is clear that his looking for the family money, to view a copy of the original please click here



Stockton, California


December 2 1881


Dear Brother Ricy

I take my pen in hand to once more to know why you have not answered my letter as I have wrote to you and have not got no answer from you yet I want you to write to me as soon as you get this letter and let me know how you are all getting along, I am well and the rest of the family my son John died about a year ago my daughters are all married but one

I would like to know is have you heard anything from the old country and whether you have heard any thing about our Mother’s estate and whether there is anything coming from the estate or not if there is I would like to get my part of it I want you to be sure and write without time and let me know how you and family are all getting a long, so if you have anything from the old country be sure and write to about that.  I wrote to you as soon as I got your letter and Evans letter and have not got no letter since from you and I would like to know the reason why you have not written it has been so long I am still  living in the same place.  I was working for a Doctor last winter. Spring and fall I shear sheep.  I am practicing medicine same time.

Be sure and write to me and give me all the news I will close by sending my love and respects to you and wife and family.

Yours until death    J.D. Jones