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American Letters


The Children of John & Esther Jones

Maesybidia, Abergorlech

Ricy Davis Jones


Letters from Ricy Davis Jones (Utah) to Brother John Jones (California)



Wellsville, Coache County, Utah

                                                              January 31st 1884

Dear Brother John D Jones

I take pleasure in writing to you hoping that you enjoy good health and happiness as we do at the present time, thank God the Eternal Father for his blessings towards us his Children I sent to you My Brother Evans letter is March 1883 you have never answered them yet.  I am anxious to hear from you how you are getting along and what you think of Brother Evans letters, please let me know with the return mail, write to me a long latter and tell me what kind of a country you live is it any better than Utah and how many people is there that I am acquainted with I received a letter from my Dear Sister Anne about 2 months ago she was very glad that I sent your address to her about 2 years ago Dear Brother John.  Please let know if you have any letters from her I have no letters from Brother Evan since I sent them to you a year ago.  Dear Brother I have not been able to do a days work since last harvest I have very health Dear Brother last season was a very dry season in Utah and the crops was very light wheat is selling here at 60 cent a bushel and money very scarce Rail Roads run from here North and South and East and West the Country here is a great deal different now to what it was when you was here. I don’t know what become of Father and estate I did not hear any more about it I have not received any letter from sister Margaret’s children for 2 years I am going to write to them and to Brother Evan and also sister Anne and when I get an answer I will write to you and let you know I am very anxious to hear from you now, be sure and write to me with the return of mail we are having a very hard winter this far snow a foot deep all winter and severely cold I would like to know if you have any winter where you live, please let me know what difference is in the climate from Utah do you raise 2 crops a year where you live.

Dear Brother we have had an increase in the family in the shape of a fine boy his name John M Jones he is 15 months old now one of the sweetest boy you ever seen my Wife and 5 daughters give their kind respect to you be sure a write to me a long letter and tell me all the nieces my elder son from my first wife has been married over a year and my eldest daughter by my first wife is also married and my second son by my first wife is gone back to the southern states the other 4 is at home with their mother all are doing very well. Please write when you get this and let me know anything you wish me to write and I will answer by return mail,

                    Your affectionate brother,   Ricy D. Jones 



                                              Abt  15 Mar 1884

Dear Brother John D Jones

I posted a letter to you 6 weeks ago and it came back to me after being in the Post Office in Stockton 10days.  I sent to (you) in March 1 year ago Brother Evan’s letters, you never sent me no answer.  Please send me an answer as soon as you get this and let me know your mind what you (are) going to do and how you are getting along.  I had an answer for letter from my nephew John Evans, sister Margaret’s son in the states.  He has been working on the railroad this last 2 years and he is making money.  You asked in your letter if there was any Dainties in Utah – no, gentiles govern Utah no, a good many gentiles (one) here now.  You wanted to know if the land was all taken up, yes, most all is taken up in Utah (it) is not like it was when you was here.  My wife and children join with me in send our best respect to you,

                    this from your most affectionate Brother,

                                        Ricy D. Jones


                    Please answer this as soon as possible