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Ricy Gwyn Miles

Youngest son of Micah and Mary Jane Miles


Ricy Gwyn Miles

Born 1905 Pontcymmer

Died 05.09.1930 Toryfron Farm


Buried with his Father Micah Miles

St David's Church, Bettws

and joined by his Mother

Ricy Gwyn Miles Ploughing


Ricy Gwyn Miles

with his sister Hetty Ann Miles


Ricy was just 16years old when his Father died in 1921 and it was said he was a man when just a boy.


Deeply and sadly missed when he died so

young by all his family


Ricy Gwyn Miles the youngest child born to Micah and Mary Jane Miles, when Mary Jane was pregnant with Ricy she had an unfortunate fall and he suffered epileptic fits during his short life of which was attributed to this.

Everyone who spoke of Ricy always paid compliments to his personally a farmer I lived by in the 1970's in Treoes, Ivor Richards asked if I knew of my Great Uncle Ricy and had been told what a lovely person he had been my reply was yes as my Grandmother Hetty Ann often spoke of memories of her little brother that left the family to young.