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Jones family Maesybidia
Rosser family Penpicillion
Letters from America

The Children of John & Esther Jones

Maesybidia, Abergorlech

Ricy Davis Jones


Letters from Ricy to his sister Ann


Utah Territory

Wellsville - Cache County

Nov 16th 1878


Dear Sister Ann

I wrote a letter to you about the 22nd of August but have received no answer hence the reason of me writing to you again in that letter I requested you to find out all that you could about the amount of money left and in what bank and if Father of Mother made a will before their death and if so what was the name of the lawyer who drew up the will and in what town does he reside.  Please try and find out all you can and we will try and help each other to obtain our rights I have wrote to our Brother John who lives in California but have not heard of him yet but I am going to advertise for him. When last heard of he was living in Stockton Joaquin County California.  We would like to hear from you Dear Sister if our Brother ever drew any money out of the bank which as left by Father or Mother.  Dear Sister I am expecting a letter from you by every mail but so far have been disappointed hoping that my sister will reach you and that you will write at your earliest convenience we are all well at present and hope that you are the same we have been blessed with an abundant harvest in Utah this season.  We were sorry to hear of the great loss of in Wales this season




January 1882

Dear Sister Anne I take this opportunity to write to you and inform you that I and my family are well at present and happy Dear sister I received a letter from you about 8 months ago the only one I have received in this last 2 years Dear Sister Anne I wrote to you three times and my letters all come back to me without finding you and then Dear Sister Anne I wrote to Joshua Thomas Bedw Farm and he gave the letter to my Dear Brother Evan and my Brother Evan wrote an answer to my letter and sent it to me giving an account of our Dear Sisters death and my Father and my dear Mothers death also over a year ago Dear sister Anne I congratulate your Daughter my niece Hetty on her marriage and wish her a long life and happy time, Dear sister I received several letters from Dear Brother John about a year ago Dear Sister Anne I have received about 2 or 3 letters from our Dear Sister Margaret Evans and son John Evans Jasper County Iowa Newton he is single yet his sister Hetty Evans my niece is married this several years to a rich man he is worth about 6 thousand dollars she is married 9 years

Dear sister Anne I have come to the conclusion to let you know a little of my trouble when I wrote to you that I only had 4 girls there was a man who persuaded me to tell nothing of my first wife because she had left me I have 8 children by her 5 Boys and 3 Girls the eldest sons name is Ricy H Jones he is 26 years of age he is now studying law the next was a son his name is William H Jones he is 24 years of age he is a clerk in a whole sale store the next a daughter her name is Martha Anne Jones she is now teaching school next is a son his name is Esdras H Jones he is 20 years of age and a carpenter by trade the next is a son his name is Brigham H Jones he is 17 years of age and now learning the carpenter trade the next is a son his name is Louis H Jones he is 14 years of age he is in School the next is a daughter her name is Alice H Jones she is 12 years of age she is in school the next as a daughter her name was Zina H Jones she would be 10 years of age is she had lived she died when she was a year and a half old Dear Sister Anne you must forgive me for not telling you I was in polygamy

