The Children of John & Esther Jones

Maesybidia, Abergorlech


Evan Jones


I received a transcript of the letter below, it had been written in Welsh and translated into English the letter was sent by Evan Jones in reply to a letter received from his brother Ricy Jones who emigrated to Utah in 1849 to view a copy of the letter in Welsh please click here


                                                                                                    Blaencwm, Llanfynydd


                                                                                                           24th March, 1879

Dear Brother

Received your letter week before last and was indeed very glad to receive it and to hear a word from you after many years.We are all as a family enjoying splendid health and hoping you are enjoying the same.There have been many changes taking place since we last heard from you.  Out father died in the year 1865 on the 18th December.  Jane, our sister two months ago.  Hetty also died the fifth day of January 1866.  Sally also left this life on the 5th of May following.  Our mother died on the 22nd of September, 1872.  There remains one daughter of Hetty, our sister, living after her and she is going on seventeen since last Christmas.

She was 3 years old when her died since then until she has been living with us.  Jane is her name.

There is a house and garden that Hettie left in a community called Nantyffin/  There is a little money and some things left after her grand-mother, out mother.  She is the picture of her mother so you could readily recognize her.  She is somewhat taller of stature.

You addressed your letter to Bedwbach and from Joshua Thomas we received it.  Two months Joshua was married to Sally our sister, we then lived in Nantylys and received the lower part of the land in Bedwfach for rent for ten years after I buried my Father, but Joshua remarried and after that he was to have all of the land and we moved to Nantylys to a small farm named Blaencwm in which place we are presently living. We have 5 cows, 3 yearling steers and we raised 2 lambs, 3 calves.  Also we keep a horse.  We have 8 children with us and 4 have been buried.  Their names are Thomas, the eldest, he is a widower and working in Llanelli, his usual work is sawing on a awing machine, Elizabeth is married and they have leased the land to build a house worth 500 pounds and they keep a store in the village Abergorlech which is located opposite the home of Evan Jones, the shoemaker.  David Jones is the name of her husband and the name of their house is Gorlech House.  Mary lives in the next house, she is married to Williams Davies and lives in Llanelly.  He usuallt works with a copper company, they have 2 children.  Working conditions are vry slack in the copper works at this time.  John is married to the daughter of Ed Evans, timber merchant at Llanelly, they have 2 children living in Hafarn Wheat Sheaf, Abergorlech, they have 2 cows, a horse and he is a shoemaker and employs three or four shoemakers working at the craft.  Daniel also is married to the daughter of John Jones, Black lion, Abergorlech, her name is Anne and they have been living in the Black Lion until lately.  They have two children, he learned the trade of a carpenter but he is now been buying and selling horses, pigs and old animals if he thinks he can make any profit.

Then there is Jane a widow her occupation is that of a dress maker living in Abergorlech.  Then Evan is working at his craft as a shoemaker and working with his brother.  The next is the youngest, David his age is 16 and he stands six feet tall, he is home with me.

We all join in expressing our loving remembrance to you.

                                                             Evan and Sarah Jones and the children



Blaengwm, Llanfynyd, Carmarthen, South Wales

September 21 1879

Dear Brothers Ricy and John Jones I received a letter last week from you and very glad to know that you and John and your family are in good ------ of healh so as we at present so ----- mercy I forget in my last letter to ask the address of Brother John I received a letter from him about 5 or 7 years ago and wrot letter back the letter be in the Mostophs Stockton California and could find house and return back to the ---- lelher in London and afterward to me and wrote on that letter all news of burials my Dear Father and sisters Jane Sally and Hetty and Dear Mother and the time when they died but now I am very very sorry to know that suster Ann wrot to you such noncence and fallen ----- I tell you the truth so far as I know it say that any person your and or my relation received not a penny in this country but my mother have seven pound wuth Jones Dewrllwyn for the labor of my Father find ------- of ----- of my grandfather and register of my Uncle Evan Jones born and many others truth abour the morgethses he do not receive I say that the expence of my Father without his labor much mor than of ----



This letter is un-dated and was written in English

Across the top of letter Evan as written  …….   Dan Davies late Llystin Farm now shoemaker they are very well ?


Evan at the start of this letter asked about Dan Davies, his Uncle Dan and cousin Dan traveled out with Saints in 1849 with brother Ricy – Uncle Dan died whilst on the Highland Mary on the Missouri river on route to Utah, we know that descents of Uncle Dan have returned in recent years to visit Llystin Farm. To read on Daniel Davies please click here

Dear Brother Ricy Jones

We got nothing to account and you but the pen and ink and I fell very glad of receiving your letter and that you are well, now the children of John Roberts our sister all alive the eldest is Ann married and live near here in a Farm called Clawd Mawr and John Roberts, a trailer and draper, Bridge Street, Neath, Glamorgan and he is married, Stephen Roberts the youngest is with his brother John he is a tailor, Margaret and Jane is single and lovely girls, Thomas Roberts he is carpenter and singe man at Brechfa, Hetty the sister and Hetty our sister is single and very tidy and do well, our children as wrote you in one letter to you before you say that will send to John my Brother it was you and him to write back soon as you can excuse me for being so long because my health and not well.  My wife and children are with me sending their best respect to you and family,

                                      Your affectionate brother


                                                                Evan Jones




                                                                                                        South Wales

                                                                                                                                                      Great Britain

