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Children of Jane Jones and John Roberts



Born 24th February, 1859 Llanegwad  (Wales)

                                                                 Died 20th March, 1946 Edwardsville (U.S.A.)


Luzerne Pennsylvania

17th March, 1888

 Priscilla Edwards

daughter of Daniel R and Ann Edwards

                                                                     Born 25th May, 1869 Ystrad Rhondda Valley (Wales)

                                                                                  Died 18th September, 1946

Thomas and Priscilla are buried Evergreen Cemetery, Shavertown, Luzerne County


Thomas Roberts Family


Luzerne County, Pennysylvania



1912 (estimated)

     Thomas & Priscilla Roberts

John age 23 years he is a carpenter and works with his father

Anna age 21 years is a stenographer and typist

Jennie age 19 years is attending college and studying to be a school teacher

Daniel age 17 years attends High School

Margaret age 14 years attends High School

Hilda Hetty age 8 years attends Lower School


Looking on Goggle earth

Atlantic Avenue, Edwardsville

Looks little different in 2020

to the day the over picture

was taken

The 1920 Census records that Thomas arrived in America in 1883 and became a citizen of the USA in 1889 his Wife Priscilla arrived in 1881 and became a citizen in 1889.  Both Thomas and Priscilla are recorded as being born in Wales all the children are recorded as being born in Pennsylvania.

The 1920 Census records Thomas working as a carpenter for a coal company likewise his son John, Annie a Stenographer, Jennie a school teacher, Daniel an electrician with a coal company and Margaret a seamstress in a shirt factory.

Thomas and Priscilla are both recorded on the 1920 Census as their Mother tongue being Welsh.

Priscilla is listed on the 1871 Wales Census record living Clydach Vale (Rhondda Valley) with her parents being born in Merthyr Tydfil, sister's are recorded as Charlotte Age 7 and Anna Louisa Age 4, Priscilla is 1 year old, her Father Age 31 and working as a coal miner and her Mother Age 30.



Letter sent by Thomas Roberts to his nephew in Wales 1914

I apologize that I can't remember how I got a copy of the letter below but would think I was given to me by Elizabeth Mary (Richards) Thomas and was written to her brother David Henry Richards who would have been a great nephew to Thomas.  In the letter Thomas refers to news he had received from Michael Miles family - Micah Miles was my Great-Grandfather and son-in-law to Thomas Robert's Auntie Ann his Mother Jane's sister - David Henry was Micah's nephew (his Mother's sister's husband).  Micah's family emigrated to Plymouth, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, Micah had travelled with them but decided to return to Wales to marry the love of his life Mary Jane Thomas, divorcing a wife and leaving children in America.  Also mentioned is Hettie Adamson this is Thomas first cousin who lives in Newton, Iowa, USA the daughter of his Mothers sister Margaret.


                                                                                                                       24 Atlantic Avenue


                                                                                                                       Luz. Co.  U.S.A.

                                                                                                                       February 1st.  1914

Dear Nephew,

I received your letter a few days ago and as very much surprised to hear from you also very glad to know that you have fulfilled your promise to write to me.  I have written a few times to your Mother but have never had an answer to them and should be pleased to hear from her.  I am very glad to hear you have progressed as well and hope that you may continue, and that your eldest sister is getting along nicely and your youngest sister.  I cannot remember the name of your sisters and would like very much to know them.  I hope that your Father is well and enjoying the best of health.

I received a letter from Uncle John a short time ago and said they were all well.  Am very sorry that we are unable to give you a photo of our family as our supply has been exhausted but as soon as we have more taken will send you one.  We heard of your grandmother's death through Michael Miles relatives.  I have not heard from Mrs. Hetty Adamson in some time but I guess I am at fault I owe her a letter.  It was news to hear of Uncle Ricy's death although I had not heard from him since I saw him last and that was some twenty-eight years ago.  You have six cousins their names and ages are as follows :-

John - 23 years he is a carpenter and works with me.

Anna - 21 years she is a stenographer and typewriter.

Jennie - 19 years she is attending college about one hundred miles from here and is studying to be a School Teacher if you would

              care to write to her, her address is Miss Jennie M. Roberts, Bloomburg State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania,

              Box 286.

Daniel - 17 years he attends High School.

Margaret - 14 years she attends High School and is spending a few days with her sister Jennie at present.

Hilda Hetty - the youngest is eight years old and attends the lower school.

Your Aunt and myself are fairly well and look very much like the photo you saw but are not getting any younger.  The photo's were not very good as they were taken outdoors and the sun was very strong which caused us all to makes face but the children have changed some since they were taken (which was over two years ago) this is all the news I know at this time and hope to hear from you soon.

                                       I remain,

                                                    Your Uncle

                                                               Thomas J Roberts